Tuesday, August 30, 2011


It's not news to anyone that I don't like to camp.  I don't like sleeping on the ground (and I know that is what they make air mattresses for...).  I don't like being dirty.  I don't like using the bathroom outside.  I like my house and my bed and my shower.  Not going to lie.  I am a city girl all the way!  And fortunately, Mark is kinda sorta on the same page as me- not so much the "city girl" type but the not a fan of camping type.  But we figured that we should introduce Jake to camping for a night but that we should do it at Arista and it was going to be quick and easy.  The house was close enough that they could sleep there if things didn't pan out or go there to have breakfast.  Mark wasn't quite ready for Pierce to join in so I offered to stay home with him- phew!

Well, Jake. Had. A. BALL!!!  Of course he did, Jennifer!!  They went after dinner.  Made a small campfire and had smores.  Told stories.  Listened for coyotes and raccoons and finally fell asleep after 10.  Both of them tossed and turned and didn't sleep that great but loved it nonetheless.  I don't see a weekend camping trip in our near future but it was a fun first experience for Jake and Mark!

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoy reading your blog Jennifer! It's a great way for me to feel that I can keep up with your family from afar. It's brings a smile to my face to see you enjoy your boys so much. Love the camping adventures. When the girls were younger, we went camping alot but we also had a tent set up in the backyard.....and they spend many hours playing out there as well as numerous nights sleeping there. I frequently said that I wasn't sure why we even had a house - as they were so much happier outside!
    Love, Aunt LA
