Thursday, December 2, 2010

THREE Years Old!

I have had a hard time starting this post.  Every time I sit down to type I close my computer.  I really think it's because I have a hard time believing that my little man is THREE years old!  He has been in my life for THREE years.  36 months.  1095 days.  (Longer now since it has taken me almost 2 months to write this!)

So far, this has been the most fun stage for me right now.  He is a little person who talks all the time and his voice is the cutest.  He says the FUNNIEST things.  He's an absolute ball to be around... most of the time.  He is loving school.  He has a precious sensitive spirit about him- so concerned when his friends are sad.  Has the most fun imagination.  Mark and I love just listening to him talk to his cars/trains/etc.  He is into us telling him stories instead of reading books to him before bed.  You should hear some of the stories he and Mark come up with!  He's becoming more and more independent. 

A few things I want to remember about Jake right now.
He weighs 34 pounds and is 38 inches tall.
Takes great naps- usually 2.5-3 hours long.  I don't think he is dropping a nap anytime soon... at least that's what I'm praying for :)
He's still an ok eater.  Won't touch any veggies.  Went through a little "stage" where he wouldn't swallow his food.  His food just sat in the side of his mouth.  Like he was hoarding it.  I think it was just his way of controlling something.  We did a sticker chart and that problem was fixed... for the most part.

First moments with my firstborn, 3 years ago.

ONE year old!

TWO years old!

THREE years old!

For his birthday I had a whole "construction" themed party planned.  We are building a pavilion at our winery and it would have made the perfect background for the party.  But the northern CA weather earlier in the week made me have to plan for a backup.  Our pavilion would have been a mud bowl and there was NO way we could have had a party outside so 2 days before I put a deposit down at the local gymnastics center.  I was so disappointed because of all the planning I had done but really it was the best decision.  AND I know that every single person who came had a BLAST!  Kids loved it and parents loved it too because it wore the kids OUT!  :)  In fact, one little boy (10 years) told his mom "I didn't know I could have so much fun at a 3 year old's birthday!"

My sweet friend's mom so graciously came to take pictures to free me up to enjoy the party.  Here are a few.

Isn't this cake A-MAZING?!?!  Seriously!  My friend's HUSBAND did it!  Seriously unbelievable :)

Looking forward to this next year with my sweet little THREE year old!

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